A Short Story from ChatGPT

Francisco Martínez
4 min readMar 26, 2024

(Ptompt:A Family Living on a Asteroid)

Title: The Asteroid Home

In the vast expanse of space, amidst the glittering stars and swirling galaxies, there existed a humble asteroid known as Varia-7. On this peculiar rock, smaller than most celestial bodies, there resided a family of three: the Mendozas.

The Mendozas had made Varia-7 their home for generations. Their dwelling was a cozy, dome-shaped structure nestled into the asteroid’s rocky surface, protected from the harsh elements of space by a shimmering force field. Inside, the family lived a simple yet fulfilling life, surrounded by the endless beauty of the cosmos.

The patriarch of the Mendoza family was Miguel, a skilled engineer who had designed and built their asteroid home with his own hands. His wife, Maria, was a botanist who tended to their small garden, carefully nurturing the plants that provided them with oxygen and sustenance. And their daughter, Elena, was a bright young girl with a thirst for knowledge, spending her days studying the stars and dreaming of exploring the universe beyond their tiny world.

Life on Varia-7 was not without its challenges. Resources were scarce, and the family had to rely on ingenious methods to survive. Miguel had fashioned a network of solar panels to harness energy from the sun, powering their home and providing warmth in the cold depths of space. Maria had perfected the art of hydroponics, growing vegetables and fruits in…

