ChatGPT answer to the question: apps paying for remote writing — Respuesta de ChatGPT a la pregunta: aplicaciones que pagar por escribir en remoto

Francisco Martínez
4 min readMay 23, 2023

ChatGPT answer to the question: apps paying for remote writing

There are several apps and platforms that offer opportunities for remote writing and pay their writers. Here are a few examples:

1. Medium: Medium is a popular online publishing platform that allows writers to earn money through its Partner Program. You can publish your articles on Medium, and if they are part of the Partner Program, you can earn money based on the engagement and reading time of your articles.

2. Upwork: Upwork is a freelancing platform that connects writers with clients who are looking for writing services. You can create a profile, showcase your writing skills, and bid on writing projects. The payment terms and rates are negotiated between the writer and the client.

3. Freelancer: Freelancer is another freelancing platform that offers writing opportunities. It allows you to create a profile and bid on writing projects posted by clients. You can negotiate the payment terms and rates with the clients.

4. Fiverr: Fiverr is a marketplace where freelancers can offer their services, including writing. You can create a gig that describes the type of writing services you provide, set your rates, and clients can hire you directly.

