The Hidden Face of the Moon — La cara oculta de la luna

Francisco Martínez
1 min readApr 11, 2020


The hidden face of the moon

Moon and sun, sun and sea. Golden pond where you, Moon, are looking at yourself.

Moon, moon moon, in your hidden face you have the child that populated my childhood.

Why, moon, have you kidnapped him, condemning him to live without light in that hidden, sad face of yours?

It will be because your heart envies that boy who riding his silver horse defied the angry waves that you encouraged. It will be because you are complicit in the dark maneuvers of the night.

And you know, moon, that with your behavior, you allow the nocturnal beings to populate the souls and surrender the days to your wishes.

La cara oculta de la luna

Luna y sol, sol y mar. Estanque dorado en el que te miras.

Luna, luna lunera, en tu cara oculta tienes al niño que poblaba mi infancia.

¿Por qué, luna, lo has secuestrado, condenándolo a vivir sin luz en esa cara tuya oscura, triste?

Será porque tu corazón envidia a aquel niño que a lomos de su caballo plateado desafiaba a las enfadadas olas que tú alentabas. Será porque eres cómplice de los oscuros manejos de la noche.

Y sabes, luna, que con tu proceder, permites a los nocturnos seres poblar las almas y rendir los días a tus deseos.

