Waterfalls — Cataratas

Francisco Martínez
2 min readFeb 24, 2023


Thomas went round and round in bed. The next day his parents would take him to see the falls, and he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep. He had always thought of the cataracts as if they were a living thing.

They arrived very early. When he saw the water fall from that height he was moved, it was an impressive spectacle, impossible to imagine.

That day, the waterfalls were scrambled and needed to swallow someone.

“Where will so much water come from?”, he wondered at the same time as he was invaded by a sense of immensity. The deafening noise and the force of the water forming an enigmatic body.

The waterfalls had already chosen their victim. Thomas dangerously approached a fence, and it gave way. In an instant he fell into the void. In the background, the rocks seemed happy to receive him. The sound of the water did not let his cries of despair be heard, and as he fell, his thoughts went to his parents. At the same time he realized that the waterfalls were alive and with all the energy he could muster, he though about them, imploring their compassion. Compassion for his parents and compassion for him.

An unexpected force displaced him in his fall, and directed him to a surface free of rocks, thus saving his life.

And Thomas learned that waterfalls are alive.

